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(Even if you've never heard of Carl Jung)

5+ years of study and 25+ Jungian psychology books condensed into a FREE 5-day email course that will give you core ideas, a great foundation for further study, and avoid overwhelm

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What the people are saying... πŸ‘‡

"Fantastic work as always man.Enjoyed how you broke it down into 5 lessons over 5 days, but had the option to power through which I just did while my kids were watching a movie.Thanks again!"
– Course Alum

"Your efforts in spreading the teachings of Carl Jung have greatly inspired my life.You have transcribed it into text in a way that was both understandable and immensely enjoyable"
– Course Alum

"You are doing great things to bring about our collective unconscious and I am deeply grateful to for this.Thank you Thank you Thank you"
– Course Alum

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What the people are saying... πŸ‘‡

β€œRowan has a truly special way of weaving deep psychology, philosophy and spirituality into practical insights that can easily be applied to your life. His writing never fails to impress!”Zan Tafakari, The Rise: Spiritual Performance Coaching

β€œIf you want breakdowns of the most powerful books throughout history, Rowan is your guy. Practical insights from the best minds that have ever lived, The Weekly Book Study is my favorite source of consolidated wisdom”Kyle Shepard, Resilient Mental State

β€œThe Weekly Book Study will drop wisdom when you need it the most. Trust me”Tara Kabatoff, The Odyssey of Self

Rowan Davis – Professional Writer

β€’ Over 5k followers
β€’ An active email list numbering 2.5k+
β€’ 10-million something views (~2m a month)
I'm a psychology student and aspiring Jungian Analyst.I help content creators realise their fastest root to monetisation, gain clarity in their ambitions, and build followership and authority.I also support psychologists, therapists, and other mental health professions finding their voice on social media, how to let their expertise shine through, and how to conduct online business (services and products).I do all this through Digital Writing Mentorship.If you're selected for the program, you can expect:β€’ To become a standout writer
β€’ Utilise social media to 10X growth
β€’ Unlock clarity in your brand and product
Interested?Fill in the short form below to book a FREE 15 minute consultation call.(I don't charge until I'm sure I'm the right person to help you, and we have a plan of action).